NimbleSET: Release Notes


29 June 2017, Nighthawk

Fixes in this Release

Online validation was no longer working due to a namespace issue.

A null reference exception was (silently) occurring during startup.


18 March 2017, Twice the ROT13

Features in this Release

Added a 'XOR' ('exclusive or') button, also known as Symmetric Difference. Given two sets, returns all items that appear in either set but do not appear in both sets. Look for this icon:

XOR icon

When choosing 'Distinct' (to remove duplicates from the result) you can also Count the number of duplicates. This means you can quickly group and count the rows.

Fixes in this Release

Improved encoding detection when loading files, adds support for UTF-7, UTF-8, Unicode, Big-Endian Unicode, UTF-32 and ANSI. If you have a file that doesn't load correctly, let me know. Come at me!

When saving a session file, it also saves the left, and right, row, and column delimiters as part of the file.


2 October 2014

Minor improvements/bug fixes to version 2.0

  • Normalize line endings, when opening files (and when data is pasted in from the clipboard), to avoid locking the UI.
  • Diplay the row and column delimiters in the "Left" and "Right" menus, to make usage and trouble-shooting simpler.
  • EULA available from menu (In the future I'd like to remove the EULA from the 'first run' experience)


27 September 2014

Powerful new comparisons:

Sort Left, Right and Result:

  • Sort the data on the left or the data on the right, or the result.
  • Sort by any column.
  • Custom sort. Sort as number, text, or datetime, ascending or descending, multiple columns.

Launch External tools:

  • NimbleText and Excel are included as 'External tools' by default
  • Can now send the result to an external tool (previously the tool was focused on sending the left and right text to external tools, such as diff tools)


20 January 2014

Initial release. "Feature complete." Basic Venn comparison operations.